Photo credits: University of Bristol
EUCAN ELSI III Collaboratory Hackathon
The third EUCAN ELSI Collaboratory Hackathon, the series of collective meetings of EUCAN Horizon 2020 projects on Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI), took place online on 9 November 2020. The e-meeting brought together consortium ethical, legal and societal experts of the 7 EU-Canada projects, EUCANcan, EUCanSHare, EUCAN-Connect, CINECA, iReceptor+, ReCoDID and EUCANImage. The attendees carried on the ongoing discussion on project-specific challenges related to transnational data sharing of medical data from various specialities, related current and future barriers and gaps. The project members identified synergies for collaboration across EUCAN projects as well as with other initiatives on joint topics of interest.