
EUCAN ELSI Webinar: International Data Sharing

BBMRI-ERIC and other project partners from the EUCAN ELSI Collaboratory (EUCANCan, euCanSHare, CINECA, iReceptor Plus, EUCAN-Connect, ReCoD-ID, and EuCanImage) made a very succesful joint webinar last Friday, the 29th of Cotober. Discussions were about how fostering stakeholder engagement to improve transparency and accountability in international sharing of health data.

 The first part included four 15-minute presentations and concluded with a Q&A. The second part was dedicated to horizon scanning, providing a space for researchers in the EUCAN ELSI projects to discuss a wide verity of themes concerning the future of international data sharing, from ongoing barriers to be remover to future research to be conducted.

For more information: